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Midwit-Adjacent Investing

Looking for a good investment? Find it on the lower slopes of the midwit curve.

Midwit-Adjacent Investing
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Outsourcing Volatility

Over time, creative destruction becomes faster, less predictable, and harder to contain.

Outsourcing Volatility
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The Race Between Complexity and Control

A networked world is a less predictable world. There are ways to make it more predictable. But you're not going to like them.

The Race Between Complexity and Control
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The Rise of Synthetic Ideology

Technology was always good at spreading bad ideas. Now, it is starting to produce them directly.

The Rise of Synthetic Ideology
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The American Meme

China approaches memes in the same way it approaches pandemics. Its "Zero Covid" policy aims to control tiny aerosol particles that carry infectious viruses. And its censorship policy seeks to control tiny bits of information that carry contagious ideas. As I pointed out in The Meme Leak Theory,

The American Meme
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The Military-Industrial Memeplex

When memes collaborate, humans make bad decisions.

The Military-Industrial Memeplex
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Abrogation Theory

In a world with unlimited information, thinking for yourself is irrational.

Abrogation Theory
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Global Money, Global War

A crowd with a bank account meets an army with an overdraft.

Global Money, Global War
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The Meme Leak Theory

China is banning memes. America is developing immunity.

The Meme Leak Theory
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Perpetual Gamma Squeeze

A "crowd with a bank account" is turning the economy — and society — on its head.

Perpetual Gamma Squeeze