Greatest Hits
Your Boss Has No Clue
Don't sacrifice your dog. Give your boss a hug.

Thinking Fast and Slopes
In a networked economy, overestimating low-probability events is not irrational — it's optimal.

It’s Time for a National Success Fund
There’s a better way to spread the fruits of innovation.

The Scalable Imagination
📚I am writing a new book about the future of work, cities, and companies. Click here to read the first few pages. The Scalable Imagination0:00/233.8220831× We tend to underestimate technology's power to turn in-person work into scalable work. On the verge of the 20th Century,

The Meme Leak Theory
China is banning memes. America is developing immunity.

Perpetual Gamma Squeeze
A "crowd with a bank account" is turning the economy — and society — on its head.

Andreessen Pulls a Bezos
Cheap money and power-law profits are killing venture funds and birthing venture firms.

Betting the Firm
The company of the future will look like a venture fund, and talent will become a truly investable asset.

No Floor, No Ceiling
The internet gives more people an opportunity to win. But it forces everyone to play the game.

The TINA Economy
Young people are tired of paying for the illusion of safety. Is there no alternative?