Future of Work
God, AI, and the Scalable Class
Most people no longer need to work. Our survival depends on convincing them it's ok to do something else.
Lauren Razavi on Digital Nomads and Remote Work
Many people can work from anywhere. By some estimates, 35 million people already live as “digital nomads”— taking their work with them to various destinations for months at a time. These people tend to earn more and spend more. And they’re just getting started. With the advent of remote
Productivity and Bullshit
Technology creates more work. More work creates technology. But the way it does so is increasingly unclear.
Remote Bureaucracy
Offices are dissolving because companies are dissolving.
AI and the Long Tail
AI can reduce inequality and polarization by making the internet less social.
It’s Time for a National Success Fund
There’s a better way to spread the fruits of innovation.
Stop The Music
The disruption of creative work has been going on for a long time. And yet, we always assume it won't affect us.
Navigating a Dancing Landscape
The internet compels us to constantly respond and adapt to each other's behavior. This makes everything less predictable. Why does this happen and how can we succeed in such an environment?
Zucked and Musked
The first-order effect of remote work is emptier offices. The second-order effect is leaner companies. The third-order effect is more inequality and opportunity.
Housing Is the New Office
Can an oversupply of offices create an oversupply of housing? (Generally, no. Occasionally, yes.)