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Lauren Razavi on Digital Nomads and Remote Work

Dror Poleg
Dror Poleg
1 min read
Lauren Razavi on Digital Nomads and Remote Work

Many people can work from anywhere. By some estimates, 35 million people already live as “digital nomads”— taking their work with them to various destinations for months at a time. These people tend to earn more and spend more.

And they’re just getting started. With the advent of remote work, the number of digital nomads is set to explode. And by “nomads,” I’m no longer talking about people who live on the road, work alone, or never set foot in an office.

What can cities and countries do to attract them? How can employers appeal to them? And what can you do to become one?

I had a live and lively conversation with Lauren Razavi, the author of Global Natives, a just-published book about how digital nomads will shape the future of work, travel, innovation, and migration.

Lauren has lived as a digital nomad in over 50 countries, working on digital tools and a legal framework to facilitate remote collaboration and the mobility rights of people everywhere. Her work has been featured in the BBC, Time Magazine, NPR, Le Monde, and beyond.

Future of Work


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