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Unleash the Crazy Ones
The internet enabled humans to share videos that TV would never air. AI will enable them to share tools that companies would never build.

Creativity and Interaction
Innovation is the result of humans copying each other imperfectly. Remote work and AI offer new ways to do so.

Is Your Job Safe?
Do we need more programmers, or are many of them going to be broke in a few years? The answer to both questions is yes.

God, AI, and the Scalable Class
Most people no longer need to work. Our survival depends on convincing them it's ok to do something else.

ChatGPT On the Future of Offices and Cities
I had a long conversation with ChatGPT about the future of cities and offices. We focused, in particular, on the impact of different technologies on the size and location of offices, and the type of activities they were used for.

Lauren Razavi on Digital Nomads and Remote Work
Many people can work from anywhere. By some estimates, 35 million people already live as “digital nomads”— taking their work with them to various destinations for months at a time. These people tend to earn more and spend more. And they’re just getting started. With the advent of remote

Remote Banking Crisis
Banks tried to kill remote work. Now, remote work is trying to kill banks.

What’s Happening in Israel?
The country's illiberal turn and liberal pushback present a new opportunity — for Israelis, Palestinians, and the broader Middle East.