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Dror Poleg

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Artificial Monopolies

When the world is flooded with fake content, you can't be yourself unless you pay someone. Centralized platforms will become bigger and stronger, but they'll also face whole new threats.

Artificial Monopolies
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Avoiding the Urban Doom Loop

Last week, I was interviewed by Derek Thompson on the Plain English podcast  about the future of the American city. We spoke about changes in how and where people work, the valuation and operation of offices, the impact on regional banks, and what cities can and can't do

Avoiding the Urban Doom Loop
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Thinking Fast and Slopes

In a networked economy, overestimating low-probability events is not irrational — it's optimal.

Thinking Fast and Slopes
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Unilateral Ignorance and Scalable Style

Today's crazy is tomorrow's new normal.

Unilateral Ignorance and Scalable Style
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After Office: Utopia, Dystopia, Women, and Suburbs

After Office: Utopia, Dystopia, Women, and Suburbs
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What can AI do for you?

Get a practical introduction to the tools and trends that will shape the future of work. Join a 2-week course. 100% live and online.

What can AI do for you?
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Unleash the Crazy Ones

The internet enabled humans to share videos that TV would never air. AI will enable them to share tools that companies would never build.

Unleash the Crazy Ones
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Creativity and Interaction

Innovation is the result of humans copying each other imperfectly. Remote work and AI offer new ways to do so.

Creativity and Interaction
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Is Your Job Safe?

Do we need more programmers, or are many of them going to be broke in a few years? The answer to both questions is yes.

Is Your Job Safe?
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God, AI, and the Scalable Class

Most people no longer need to work. Our survival depends on convincing them it's ok to do something else.

God, AI, and the Scalable Class