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Dror Poleg

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Leaving Yourself at Home

As work becomes more personal and creative, demand for alternative personalities will increase.

Leaving Yourself at Home
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The Winners of Remote Work

Ultimately, remote work ushers some freelancers and employees into a global arena that seems to promise a higher ceiling, but a lower floor as well.

The Winners of Remote Work
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Selling Your Soul to Yourself

Technology enables us to make a living by being ourselves. But it also incentivizes us to become whatever the market needs us to be.

Selling Your Soul to Yourself
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Naked Capitalism

New ownership technologies can also help spread the risk of making bold bets.

Naked Capitalism
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Remote and Indispensable

The footsoldiers in the war for talent are about to take a pay cut.

Remote and Indispensable
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The Office Leak Hypothesis

The real variants are the people we've become while working remotely.

The Office Leak Hypothesis
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Remote Losers

A bigger talent pool favors the lucky over the skilled.

Remote Losers
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Thank you to everyone who shared their thoughts about last week’s piece about religion and distributed work []. I am still working on a not-much-longer but a much-better-thought-out piece about the broader consequences of remote work. In the meantime, I wanted to share with you

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Remote Worship

A distributed culture can survive and thrive — even without Zoom.

Remote Worship
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The Talent Portfolio

Individual people are the next big asset class.

The Talent Portfolio