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Dror Poleg

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Remote and Indispensable

The footsoldiers in the war for talent are about to take a pay cut.

Remote and Indispensable
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The Office Leak Hypothesis

The real variants are the people we've become while working remotely.

The Office Leak Hypothesis
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Remote Losers

A bigger talent pool favors the lucky over the skilled.

Remote Losers
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Thank you to everyone who shared their thoughts about last week’s piece about religion and distributed work []. I am still working on a not-much-longer but a much-better-thought-out piece about the broader consequences of remote work. In the meantime, I wanted to share with you

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Remote Worship

A distributed culture can survive and thrive — even without Zoom.

Remote Worship
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The Talent Portfolio

Individual people are the next big asset class.

The Talent Portfolio
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Betting the Firm

The company of the future will look like a venture fund, and talent will become a truly investable asset.

Betting the Firm
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Invisible Talent Leaks and Outlier Employees

The cost of “office maximalism” is high. It’s also invisible.

Invisible Talent Leaks and Outlier Employees
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Let's get physical

The built world holds the key to humanity’s biggest problems, especially when people can live and work anywhere.

Let's get physical
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The Crypto Future of Work

Things are done differently in the world of blockchains and decentralized finance. And they offer a vision of what all careers and corporations could look like one day.

The Crypto Future of Work