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Dror Poleg

Dror Poleg advises the world’s largest investors on the evolution of work, cities, and markets. His articles and insights have appeared in The New York Times, Wall Street Journal, The Atlantic, and beyond.

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Not Going to Work

Five thoughts about the future of cities.

Not Going to Work
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Don’t Sleep With Your Boss.

Yes, old work is done better in person. But new work will ultimately produce the greatest value.

Don’t Sleep With Your Boss.
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Thinking Fast and Slopes

In a networked economy, overestimating low-probability events is not irrational — it's optimal.

Thinking Fast and Slopes
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AI and the Long Tail

AI can reduce inequality and polarization by making the internet less social.

AI and the Long Tail
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In Praise of Ponzis

A new economic model is emerging. Here's why it makes sense.

In Praise of Ponzis

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The Problem with Cities

"The relationship between economic activity and office demand has changed forever." My latest piece for The Atlantic explores the broken relationship between economic prosperity and cities. In the past, a growing economy, booming markets, and low unemployment meant offices were full and cities were doing well. Today, this

The Problem with Cities